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Designer Martin Zendron sets the scene for 2023

Our April livestream kicked off with an introduction to our 2023 SCS collection presented by designer Martin Zendron. This wide-ranging discussion included a deep dive into the themes and inspirations behind each piece as well as providing an overview of the full collection. Zendron is known for his naturalistic approach, striving to make each figurine he creates as realistic as possible, whether it’s the Cheetah Mehira and Baby Jabari or the Ostrich Makena and Egg.
When it came to creating our extraordinary limited-edition cheetah, Zendron let his creativity run wild. Straying off the beaten track, he introduced new colors and perspectives to add multiple dimensions to the wild cat’s elegant silhouette. Each piece is intentionally left open to interpretation; depending on the way you look at this striking figurine, you’ll either see a cheetah taking a leisurely stroll or a predator sneaking up on its target.

Elegance of Africa Collection


Discover how our crystallized figurines take shape

Bringing our crystalline figurines to life is a labor of love. During the livestream, we were able to take a look behind-the-scenes, spending time in the artists’ workshops to learn more about our signature savoir-faire and the work that went into creating the SCS Cheetah Mehira. 
Designer Martin Zendron revealed how he composes the drafts for his figurines, digitally drawing a sketch of the SCS Cheetah Mehira standing proudly atop a rocky outcrop. His sketch is then used to create a resin-based replica that allows our masters of light to fully realize his idea.
We were then shown how the figurine is formed, from the cutting of the crystals to the attention paid to each separate element, taking time over every detail, and piecing them together by hand. After a thorough quality control inspection, the finished figurine, with all its 511 facets, is then ready to be shipped.

Kris Bear Collection

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