A Fashion First

French label Coperni closed Paris Fashion Week with a night of wonder and joy as it unveiled its Spring-Summer 2025 collection at Disneyland Paris - the first time the park has ever hosted a fashion show. An exploration of imagination and curiosity, and a tribute to the timeless Disney classics, Disneyland Paris was the perfect fit. Swarovski brought an extra dimension of brilliance to the show, creating the first ever Coperni Swipe bag in crystal. Featuring 171 high-precision cut and polished facets, it was handcrafted using 14 highly complex techniques. In 110 hours, a 10kg Swarovski Crystal was faceted into a Coperni Crystal Swipe weighing 1.7 kg. The perfect reflection of Swarovski savoir-faire and Coperni creativity.

‘Swarovski Made Magic’

‘The Coperni Crystal Swipe bag is such a unique piece. It’s the pure oval shape made from Swarovski Crystal that is so precious. We’ve had the opportunity to work with the House several times, and it is always a pleasure to see how it evolves and innovates. Swarovski made magic on this project.’

Sébastien Meyer and Arnaud Vaillant, Coperni Cofounders
El mundo de Swarovski

Iluminamos las múltiples facetas de Swarovski, desde la tradición hasta el estilo de vida y mucho más.

Joyería inspirada en el océano


Nuestras nuevas familias de joyería son maravillosas obras de arte creadas con las Crystal Pearls de Swarovski y una paleta de cristales Swarovski azules y verdes. 

Accesorios y joyas para bodas


Enamórate de nuestros bonitos diseños engalanados con el brillo de cristales. Desde el brillo más sutil hasta el glamur más absoluto, hay una pieza para complementar cualquier estilo de boda, y todas merecen un lugar en tu lista de accesorios para el gran día.

El rey león de Disney x Swarovski


Conmemora un clásico entrañable con personajes radiantes.