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Florere Bouquet Large


For the very first time, Swarovski has expertly crafted a life-size bouquet of dazzling crystallized flowers. This extraordinary arrangement features 12 spring and summer flowers in a range of shades, each formed with exquisite attention to detail and exceptional complexity. In total, this freestanding creation features 5,826 facets with accents in lacquered metal that include the verdant green stems and pink Swarovski-engraved ribbon. A masterpiece and the ultimate display of Swarovski savoir-faire, the bouquet would make a dramatic table centerpiece or a truly memorable gift for a birthday, Mother’s Day, or wedding. No vase or base required. Decoration object. Not a toy. Not suitable for children under 15.
  • Article no.: 5671562
  • Size: 33.3 x 17.7 x 23 cm
  • Designer:  Adi Stocker
  • Material:  Crystals, Lacquered metal
  • Color:  Multicolored
  • Collection:  Florere
Unfortunately this product is currently not available.

For the very first time, Swarovski has expertly crafted a life-size bouquet of dazzling crystallized flowers. This extraordinary arrangement features 12 spring and summer flowers in a range of shades, each formed with exquisite attention to detail and exceptional complexity. In total, this freestanding creation features 5,826 facets with accents in lacquered metal that include the verdant green stems and pink Swarovski-engraved ribbon. A masterpiece and the ultimate display of Swarovski savoir-faire, the bouquet would make a dramatic table centerpiece or a truly memorable gift for a birthday, Mother’s Day, or wedding. No vase or base required. Decoration object. Not a toy. Not suitable for children under 15.
  • Article no.: 5671562
  • Size: 33.3 x 17.7 x 23 cm
  • Designer:  Adi Stocker
  • Material:  Crystals, Lacquered metal
  • Color:  Multicolored
  • Collection:  Florere