加入 Swarovski Club
請在建立密碼後加入 Swarovski Club
autoFocus: false,
framework: 'bootstrap',
icon: {
valid: null,
invalid: null,
validating: null
fields: {
'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_email]': {
trigger: 'blur',
validators: {
regexp: {
regexp: new RegExp('^(?=.{0,255}$)(?=.{0,64}@)(?:(?!^\\.)(?!.*\\.@)(?!.*\\.\\.)[a-zA-Z0-9!#.$%&\'*+\/=?^_‘{|}~-]+|\"(?:[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7f]|\\\\[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f]){1,62}\")@(?!-)(?!.*\\.-)(?!.*-\\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,61}\\.){1,126}(?=[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?$', ''),
message: '請輸入您的電郵地址。',
message_en: '請輸入您的電郵地址。'
notEmpty: {
message: '請輸入您的電郵地址。',
message_en: '請輸入您的電郵地址。'
stringLength: {
message: '此欄位的字母數必需介於 0 和 100',
message_en: 'The number of characters for this field must be between 0 and 100',
min: 0
max: 100
'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_password]': {
trigger: 'blur',
validators: {
callback: {
callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
var messages = [];
var messagesEN = [];
var errorOccured = false;
if ($field.attr('regexCheckDisabled') === 'true') {
return true;
if (!value.match(new RegExp('(^$|^(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z]).{7,}$)', ''))) {
errorOccured |= true;
if (errorOccured) {
return {
valid: false,
message: messages.join('<br/>'),
message_en: messagesEN
} else {
return true;
notEmpty: {
message: '請輸入密碼。',
message_en: '請輸入密碼。'
stringLength: {
message: '您已超過此欄位最長的 64 個字元長度。',
message_en: 'You have exceeded the maximum length of 64 characters for this field',
max: 64
'values[sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition_newsletter]': {
trigger: 'change',
validators: {
.on('success.field.fv', function() {
/* note: we need to check if there is an error in the form, as the plugin does a validation on field level.
Validating the whole form on blur of a field is no option, as the customer does not want to see error messages on all fields
when entering one field. In case of an error on at least one field we disable the submit button manually */
var $form = $(this).closest('form');
if ($form.find('.form-group.has-error').length > 0) {
var $button = $form.find('.js-button');
if (!$button.hasClass('disabled')) {
.on('err.field.fv', function(e, data) {
* On error field validation, enable submit button.
* Source: https://old.formvalidation.io/examples/enabling-submit-button/
/* Get the messages of field */
var messages = data.fv.getMessages(data.element);
/* Get the error message content of the field */
var errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors');
/* Get the hidden error message of the field */
var errorField = errorContent.find('.swa-form-input__error-message[data-field="' + data.field + '"][style="display: none;"]');
/* Loop over the messages */
for (var i in messages) {
if (errorField[1] == undefined) {
var newErrorContainer = document.createElement("small");
$(newErrorContainer).attr("class", "swa-form-input__error-message swa-headline-sans--supertiny");
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-field", data.field);
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-validator", "callback");
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-for", $(data.element[0]).attr("name") );
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-fv-result", "INVALID");
$(newErrorContainer).attr("data-tracked", "true");
if (errorContent.text().includes(messages[i])) {
.on('success.field.fv', function(e, data) {
* On success field validation, enable submit button.
* Source: https://old.formvalidation.io/examples/enabling-submit-button/
/* Remove the field messages */
$errorContent = data.element.closest('.form-combo-molecule').find('.errors');
$errorContent.find('.swa-form-input__error-message[data-field="' + data.field + '"]').remove();
.on('success.form.fv', function() {
var formId = 'registerNewCustomer';
if (!formId || formId === 'cfRequest' || formId === 'cfResponse') {
formId = 'sc-longRegistrationFormDefinition';
var replaceDatePatternWithValue = function(mandatory, fieldConfigCode, fieldConfigPattern) {
var date = fieldConfigPattern.toUpperCase();
var year = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_year").val();
var month = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_month").val();
var day = $("#" + fieldConfigCode + "_day").val();
date = date.replace(/[Y]+/, year);
date = date.replace(/[M]+/, month);
date = date.replace(/[D]+/, day);
var hiddenDateField = $('.js-' + fieldConfigCode + '_hidden');
if (mandatory) {
} else {
hiddenDateField.val(date == "" ? "" : date);
var triggerFormValidation = function(fieldId, mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat) {
replaceDatePatternWithValue(mandatory, fieldCode, dateFormat);
$('.js-fieldCode').formValidation('revalidateField', 'values[fieldCode_'+ fieldId + ']');
var removeDateMoleculeError = function(molecule) {